Wed Feb 9 16:00

Entwined: Plants and People, Narratives and Networks

A Plant Story Writing Workshop

By Entwined

How do humans imagine the lives they share with plants? Are plants vegetal others, or do they confront the same kinds of issues that humans do: placement and displacement, illness and recovery, communication, and social networking?

festival registration

The workshop Entwined: Plants and People, Narratives and Networks lead by Lauren LaFauci & Tina Gianquitto will explore how the stories we tell about plants bring attention to the intertwined nature of human-plant relationships. During these interactive digital plant story workshops, participants will be invited to write their own plant story and to explore these relationships with a plant the co-inhabits their world. Stories can be in any format — text, drawings, photographs, paintings, or any other artistic format.

Estimated running time: 90 min.

After the session, participants will be invited (but not required!) to submit to our project’s website, Herbaria 3.0 (



FEBRUARY 7–11 • 2022


Presented by the SeedBox
