The aim of The Shit Project was to generate public interest in local sewerage and waste water management. The project developed through a workshop process with artists and researchers in relation to the Sigtuna river and wastewater confluence in Gnesta. Six collaborative artworks were developed in response, combining sculpture, alchemy, performance, costume design, sound art and poetry.
The project was shown in the form of an art walk on the 4th September 2021, with interactive works along the Sigtuna river, by the sewerage treatment plant, to Fungus Kingdom studios. With works including; a soundscape through drains underground and bacterial life beyond our bodies, a boat made from reeds nourished by wastewater, 18th century etiquette and the history of shit, a spoken choir from a research report, a surrealist composting toilet and the alchemy of phosphorus as a parable of finding the spark in one’s self.