
AM Kanngieser

Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London

AM Kanngieser is a geographer, sound artist and Marie Curie Research Fellow in Geography at Royal Holloway University of London.

Astrida Neimanis

Seed Box co-director Astrida Neimanis is Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Feminist Environmental Humanities at UBC Okanagan, on unceded Syilx territories in Kelowna, BC, Okanagan.

Camila Marambio

A Sandcastle with Moving Parts

Since February 2021, Camila Marambio has been a postdoc fellow of The Seedbox: A Mistra Formas Environmental Humanities Collaboratory at Linkoping University, hosted by the Royal Institute of Art. At The Community Garden festival she presents her research project A Sandcastle with Moving Parts.

Curating Time

With a base in critical feminist posthumanism this project problematizes the anthropocentric focus in many heritage policies and strategies and probes into the technocratic politicization of the long-term.


Plants and People, Narratives and Networks

How do humans imagine the lives they share with plants? Are plants vegetal others, or do they confront the same kinds of issues that humans do: placement and displacement, illness and recovery, communication and social networking? How and in what ways do interactive technological tools and social media platforms enable humans to reimagine or reframe the lives they share with plants?

Fossil Fuel Entanglements

(Re)making Places, Subjects and Ways of Life

Johan, Veronica and Eva combine their research interests in history, ethnography and political science to write stories about living and working in places undergoing transitions towards a fossil-free society. Apart from writing articles they undertake fieldwork, enjoy early morning swimming and the occasional walk and talk-session.

Freethinking, Hesitation, Weirdness

Freethinking, Hesitation, Weirdness offers a historical perspective from the 16th century until today on how literature and art explore questions around the Anthropocene, ecologies, climate change, and sustainability.

Goldsmiths University of London

Goldsmiths, University of London has been a Seed Box consortium partners since 2015. Lately, questions relating to translations of environmental humanities work has been a key concern.

Growing up in a Warming World

The project Growing up in a Warming World contributes to the Community Garden of Seedbox by presenting documentation from an art exhibit at The Museum of Work, during Norrköping Lights Festival.

Lene Asp Frederiksen

Lene Asp Frederiksen is a PhD student within the Seed Box program, based at Linköping University.

Nikiwe Solomon

Nikiwe Solomon is a postdoc with the Seed Box program, based at the University of Cape Town.

Ontological Security

The plight of climate change vulnerable countries is one of the most pertinent issues in the UN climate negotiations and the realization of the ultimate goal of the Paris agreement.

Our Story

Our Story is a project concerned with studies of sustainability storytelling through interactive theatre with children.

Queer Ecologies

of Extinction and the Multispecies Futures of the Baltic Sea

The project addresses multispecies ecologies of the Baltic Sea with questions around the politics of space and time – for instance time scales (modern history, natural history), life/death ecologies and ecosystem temporalities, paleoecology and geology – and intragenerational justice and ethics.

Sex Ecologies

Sex Ecologies is a two-year collaborative project between Kunsthall Trondheim and The Seed Box, fostering artistic research at the intersection with the environmental humanities. The project sets out to explore queer ecology including non-normative gender, sexual identity, more-than-human touching zones, plant- and microbiopolitics, material assemblages of fossils, toxicity, and plastics, and questions of critical reproduction.


University of Western Australia

Symbiotica has been a Seed Box Consortium partner since 2015.

The Community Garden Keynotes

The Community Garden is home to themes that have animated the Seed Box Collaboratory from its inception in 2015.

The Community Garden Panel Talks

The Community Garden Festival will contain panel talks that highlight and nourish conversation related to the field of environmental humanities.

The Seed Box

The Seed Box is an interdisciplinary and international Environmental Humanities research program funded by Mistra (The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research) and Formas (The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences, and Spatial Planning).

Understanding Negotiations

Opening up the black box of conceptualizing complexities and uncertainties in climate sciences

Understanding Negotiations studies the role of negative emissions technologies in global and Nordic climate policy imaginaries. The project is especially focusing on the view among different actor groups of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, an emerging technology that holds the promise of making climate transition easier but also the risk of exaggerated expectations.

University of Texas at Arlington

The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) has been a Seed Box Consortium Partner since 2015. For the Community Garden Festival, Christopher Morris, UTA, has gathered colleagues and collaborators to explore questions about what the Environmental Humanities are, and what they should contribute with.

Uppsala University

Uppsala University has been a Seed Box Consortium Partner since 2015. Together with the Fungus Kingdom, Uppsala University has collaborated in The Shit Project

Values of Repair Practices

The project investigates how cultural variation in practical ethics and norms of repair impact on the interpretation, implementation and contestation of the ideas of a circular economy (CE).

Western Sydney University

Western Sydney University has been a Seed Box consortium partner since 2015.


FEBRUARY 7–11 • 2022


Presented by the SeedBox
