The main question is how artistic works and experiences might transform our understanding of these issues in ways that can help us overcome a widespread sense of alienation and intangibility. The project consists of three subprojects: “A post-human humanism: Early modern freethinking and its legacy (led by Carin Franzén), “(Un)sustainable subjects: On passivity and waiting in the novel around the turn of the 20th century” (led by Sven Anders Johansson), and “Weird wor(l)ds: Literature and general ecology (led by Jesper Olsson).
• Carin Franzén is professor in Comparative Literature at Stockholm University.
• Jesper Olsson is professor in Language and Culture at Linköping University.
• Sven Anders Johansson is professor in Comparative Literature at Mid-Sweden University.
Invited Guest: Sofia Roberg, PhD in Comparative Literature, Stockholm University, Critic, and Poet