Fungus Kingdom studios is located near the back-side of Gnesta, Sweden, where the wind at times brings wafts of the near-by sewerage works. It is the creative space of a small group of artists working across the fields of sculpture, sound, alchemy, costume and theatre. When methane met the spark of this creative cluster the idea was born to make art in relation to municipal sewerage. The meeting with waste researchers further fueled this process. This is the first Fungus Kingdom studio collaboration.
Name, Affiliation, Role
Tora Holmberg, Uppsala University, Consortium Partner Contact
Julia Adzuki, SymbioLab / Fungus Kingdom Studios, Project Coordinator and Collaborating Artist
Johanna Törnqvist, Fungus Kingdom Studios, Project Coordinator and Collaborating Artist
Fungus Kingdom studios is located near the back-side of Gnesta, Sweden, where the wind at times brings wafts of the near-by sewerage works. It is the creative space of a small group of artists working across the fields of sculpture, sound, alchemy, costume and theatre. When methane met the spark of this creative cluster the idea was born to make art in relation to municipal sewerage. The meeting with waste researchers further fueled this process. This is the first Fungus Kingdom studio collaboration.
Invited guests/collaborators
Participating artists: Julia Adzuki, Johanna Törnqvist, Patrick Dallard, Lisa Jeannin, Tomas Björkdal, Rolf Schuurmans och David Carmel.
Participating researchers: Tora Holmberg, Björn Wallsten, Malin Ideland och Sebastian Abrahamsson.